A fixer is a local producer or production manager. Being a fixer in Israel takes years of training in various areas. He or she work for the local production company, and they manage a specific production. A fixer usually runs the local aspects of the shoot, from the prep phase until the end of filming. The fixer is in charge of our local camera crew, of getting the required film permits and coordinating the shoot with anyone involved in it.
For many years we objected the term “fixer”. It has some kind of a sleazy, derogatory meaning. But the term have become internationally acceptable, and we had to accept it. There are many kinds of fixers in the production world – our fixers in Israel can be also titled production managers, field producers or unit production managers.
Fixer in Israel: our experience
Our production fixers have extensive experience in managing international productions in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. A good fixer in Israel knows all the possible solutions to any problems he or she faces. In our case, they can use all our company resources in order to make it happen.
Fixer in Israel: our experience
In addition to extensive production experience, our fixers in Israel get additional extensive training in security, safety procedures and activating our company protocols. Highlight Films has Israeli fixers who work in Israel proper and the settlements in the West Bank. In addition, our Palestinian fixers cover the West Bank, and the East part of Jerusalem. Our Gaza fixers are working only in Gaza, as Palestinian Gaza residents are not allowed to go out to Israel.